这是 达医晓护 的第 2100 篇文章















Age 7 months

This is an exciting time for your baby. Her imagination comes alive now. She’s also better at remembering things, like her favourite people, toys and books.

Your baby’s emotions keep developing. Baby will let you know when he’s happy and sad and can also tell how you’re feeling by your tone of voice and the look on your face.Your baby might show signs of strong attachment to family members or carers, and even prefer some toys and books to others. At the same time, you might see signs of separation anxiety or stranger anxiety.These are a normal part of a child’s development.

You might hear a lot of babbling from your baby. She might respond to her own name and stop when she hears you say ‘no’. She might also communicate with you using gestures – for example, she might put her arms up when she wants you to lift her up.

You have started feeding your baby solidsaround this age. Your baby will let you know when he’s had enough to eat – often by waving his hand or turning his head away.Your baby can roll both ways and might start to move around the house by commando crawling. She might even crawl using her hands and knees. If you hold her, she might be able to stand and bounce up and down.

Your baby is exploring and learning all the time, often by putting things in his mouth or looking closely at what’s in his hand. He’ll bang and shake toys and try to grab blocks. When he can’t reach objects he wants, he’ll look to you for help.

At this age your baby might also:

· sit up without help, sometimes using her arms for balance

· pick up smaller objects and use her fingers to drag things towards herself

·  pat her own image in the mirror

·  look for and findpartly hidden objects

·  listen to music.

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Age 8 months

At this age, your baby loves playing with you and really enjoys playing peekaboo, ringing bells and finding toys. Copying what you do and making funny sounds or animal noises together with you are lots of fun for your baby. Playing together also helps baby feel loved and secure.

At this age your baby’s emotions are developing, and he’ll let you know when he’s happy or upset. He might show strong attachment to you and other close family members or carers, but he’s still a bit afraid of new faces. This might show up as separation anxiety and stranger anxiety, which are normal parts of children’s development around this age.

Your baby is babbling. Her babbling might even have up and down tones that sound almost like talking. At this age most babies still use body language to communicate, like making noises to get your attention. If your baby is an early talker you might hear her say 1-2 words like ‘mama’ or ‘dada’, but she won’t know what these words mean.

Around this time your baby starts working out how to learn more about his world. For example, he’ll look closely at objects like rings or bells, uncover toys after seeing them hidden, bang blocks together and look for them when he drops them. He’ll still put most things into his mouth too.Your baby is getting lots of practice picking up things and uses her fingers to catch and drag objects towards her.Crawling, rolling or shuffling are all ways your baby might be moving around. He can sit on his own.

At this age your baby might also:

·  try to chew, which means she’s now ready for food mashed or minced into small pieces

·  try to feed herself – for example, by picking up her food or holding a drink bottle by herself

·  look for family members if you ask her to – for example, if you say, ‘Where’s Mummy?’, she might look around for her mother

·  stand with help.

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在这个年龄,宝宝的大脑正在经历快速成长。他的记忆力在提高,你也会发现他对喜欢的人、玩具和书籍有了更强的依恋。你的宝宝甚至会更喜欢一个特定的人--这可能是你,你的伴侣,或另一个亲密的家庭成员或照顾者。在这个年龄段,陌生人的分离焦虑和焦虑是很常见的, 是儿童发育过程中的正常部分。










Age 9 months

Babbling, clapping hands, crawling, pulling up to stand – there’s a lot happening for your baby.

At this age, your baby is having a growth spurt in his brain. This improves his memory and you might notice him forming stronger attachments to his favourite people, toys and books.Your baby might even prefer a particular person – this could be you, your partner, or another close family member or carer. Separation anxiety and anxiety around strangers is pretty common at this age. It might help to know that these are normal parts of child development.

You’ll start to get an idea of what your child might be like in the future, as she starts showing you her personality. Her emotions are maturing too – she can express fear and also read and respond to your facial expressions.

Your baby is starting to link words with their meanings and understand your body language – for example, if you point at something, he might look towards it. He’ll still be babbling, and might say ‘mama’ or ‘dada’ without knowing what these words mean.

At this age your baby might also:

·  copy sounds

·  make noises to get your attention

· explore everything around her – for example, she might ring bells, bang blocks and find hidden objects

·  stop what she’s doing when she hears you say ‘no’

·  practise her eating skills by holding, biting and chewing food

·  start feeding herself with her fingers.

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1.    陪宝宝交谈:


2. 倾听并回应宝宝的咿咿呀呀:


3. 陪宝宝一起阅读:


4. 陪宝宝一起玩:


5. 陪宝宝一起在户外活动:


6.    鼓励运动:


7. 安全的居家环境,可以让孩子可以不受伤害地自己四处爬动。

Helping baby development at 7-9 months

1. Talk to your baby:

Your baby is interested in conversation, so talking about everyday things like what you’re doing will help her understand what words mean. And the more talk, the better!

2. Listen and respond to your baby’s babbling:

This will build his language, communication and literacy skills, and make him feel ‘heard’, loved and valued. Responding by talking or making sounds in your own warm, loving way is important. Your baby will enjoy hearing your voice go up and down and love watching your face as you talk to him.

3. Read together:

Reading, talking about pictures in books and telling stories help develop your baby’s imagination. This also lays the groundwork for learning words and sentences when your baby is older. In addition, these help him to understand language and learn to read as he gets older.

4. Play together:

Sing songs, play with toys, play peekaboo, and make funny sounds or animal noises together. At this age, your baby really enjoys playing with you and copying what you do. Playing together also helps him feel loved and secure.

5. Spend time playing outdoors:

Being out and about with you gives your baby lots of different experiences – there’s so much to see, smell, hear and touch.

6. Encourage moving:

Moving and exploring help your baby build muscle strength for more complex movements like pulling to stand and walking. If your baby is crawling, you can try getting down on the floor and crawling around with her, or playing a game of chasey.

7. Make your home safe so your baby can move about without getting hurt.















Red flags by age 7 to 9 months:

See your child and family health nurse or GP if you have any concerns or notice that your seven to nine-month-old is having any of the following issues.

Seeing, hearing and communicating

· isn’t making eye contact with you, isn’t following moving objects with her eyes

·  isn’t babbling

·  isn’t turning towards sounds or voices.


·  doesn’t show whether he’s happy or sad

· shows little or no affection for carers – for example, he doesn’t smile at you.


·   isn’t rolling

·   feels very floppy or stiff

·   can’t sit up or stand up with your help

·   uses one hand a lot more than the other.





