这是 达医晓护 的第 1780 篇文章

初夏已至,气温逐渐攀升,手足口病和疱疹性咽峡炎正悄然增多。这两种疾病都是由多种常见的肠道病毒引起的传染性疾病,多发生于5岁以下的婴幼儿和学龄前儿童。手足口病有很强的传染性,一年四季都可发生,但常见于夏秋季。据统计, 目前有二十多种的肠道病毒可引起手足口病和疱疹性咽颊炎,其中最常见的是柯萨奇病毒A型中的各类亚型。

Summer is coming and the temperature is expected to rise gradually. There is an increased incidence of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) and Herpangina. These are two common viral illnesses that mainly affect infants and young children below five years of age. Both of them are contagious and easily spread from one person to another. HFMD and Herpangina can present throughout the year, but usually occur during the summer and fall months in China. They are both caused by about 20 serotypes of the Enterovirus A but particularly the various strains of Coxsackievirus A.

1. 手足口病和疱疹性咽颊炎分别有什么表现呢?


手足口病的症状一般出现于感染病毒3天到7天后,一周左右自愈, 一般不超过10天。发病早期的表现类似普通的感冒,食欲减退,口腔或咽喉疼痛,浑身不适,有时候可能会伴有发热。


典型的手足口病一般在起病或发烧1到2天后,口腔颊粘膜,舌,或咽喉部会出现小而扁平的红色斑点,并且逐渐发展为小疱疹, 然后破溃形成疼痛的小溃疡。患儿常因嘴里的溃疡疼痛而不愿进食和喝水,小年龄的孩子会有流口水比平时增多。同时手心和脚底会有这些扁平的小红点,有时还会出现在膝盖,肘关节,臀部和肛门周围, 这些皮疹也会发展成小疱疹, 周围有红晕。手足口病的皮疹另一个特点是不会发痒。大多数患儿在一周内体温下降,皮疹逐渐消退, 疱疹也在逐渐干燥结痂,脱痂后不留疤痕。









1.What Are the Symptoms of HFMD and Herpangina?


HFMD usually start 3 to 7 days after catching the infection and it can last from 7 to 10 days. Symptoms usually begin with a common cold, poor appetite, sore throat, a feeling of being unwell, and sometimes may accompany with fever.


A day or two after the fever starts, red spots can develop in the mouth, buccal mucosa, tongue, or throat which may turn to blisters and then ulcers. Since the mouth sores area quite painful, some young children may drooling more his usual and may not be able to swallowing enough liquid, thus might have the risk of dehydration. Small skin rash with flat red spots may also develop on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Sometimes a rash also occurs on the knees, elbows, buttocks and nappy area. This rash may also become blisters or bumps with erythema surroundings but won't itch. Symptoms and signs mostly typically resolved within 7 to 10 days with fever subsided, rash faded, and blister dry and crusted.


It has been reported in recent years that Coxsackievirus A6 and A10 HFMD may have higher fever and wider distribution of skin lesions. Apart from hand, foot and mouth, skin rash may involve the arms, legs, face, lips and perioral area, buttocks, groin, and perineum. Skin lesion may be presented as vesiculobullous lesions, bullae, erosions, ulcerations, and eschar formation. The condition may persist as long as one to two weeks. In addition, sometimes palmar and plantar desquamation, nail dystrophy may occur 1 to 3 weeks and 1 to 2 months after HFMD.



Herpangina generally occurs 3 to 7 days after catching the infection and it often cause fever. Sore throat and dysphagia are main complaints due to the painful blisters in the mouth. Infants and young children may present as dribbling, anorexia, emesis, fussiness and irritability. The blisters of Herpangina usually appear at the back of the mouth, such as the anterior pillars of the fauces, soft palate, tonsils, and uvula. The oral lesions start as papules in the mouth and turn to blisters with erythema rim surrounded. The blisters then rupture to small red ulcers. Blisters and papules only occur in the mouth without affecting other part of the body.


Not everyone who catching these enterovirus will get all of these symptoms. Some people, especially adults, may show no symptoms at all, but they can still pass the virus to others.


2. 手足口病和疱疹性咽颊炎分别是什么引起的?

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2. What Are the Causes of HFMD and Herpangina?

There are about 20 serotypes of the Enterovirus A species can lead to HFMD and Herpangina. Coxsackie virus A6, A16 and Enterovirus 71 are the most common virus that caused HFMD. HFMD is a self-limited condition and it rarely causes severe complications. It has been shown that Enterovirus 71 account for 82% of the severe complications in HFMD. Herpangina is mostly caused by Coxsackie virus A1 to 6, 8, 10, and 22. In addition, enterovirus 71 and coxsackievirus A16 are also common cause of herpangina.


3. 手足口病和疱疹性咽颊炎会传染吗?

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是的,潜伏期通常是3到5天。手足口病和疱疹性咽颊炎的传播途径多种多样,比如呼吸道和胃肠道。在手足口病人中, 病毒或还可以通过接触水疱液传播。因为在感染者的鼻腔和口腔咽喉部分泌物里,水疱的疱液里,肠道和大便里会存在病毒颗粒。因此,不难想象,手足口病和疱疹性咽颊炎会通过

  • 呼吸道和口腔分泌物传播。比如,咳嗽打喷嚏的唾沫星子,口水,和鼻涕

  • 密切接触,比如亲吻,拥抱,共用餐具,杯具和器皿; 接触到便便, 比如换尿布;

  • 接触已经存在病毒的奶瓶,玩具, 衣物,家具等物品或其表面

  • 接触到疱液(手足口病)。




3. Is HFMD and Herpangina Contagious?

Yes. The incubation period is 3 to 7 days usually. The viruses that cause HFMD and Herpangina can be found in the infected person's nose and mouth secretions, blister fluids, or stool. Therefore HFMD and Herpangina are transmitted through the following ways:

• Airway: cough and sneezing droplets, saliva, or nasal discharge

• Close contact:kissing, hugging, or sharing cups and eating utensils

• Contact with stools, for example when changing a diaper,

• Touching objects or surfaces that have the virus on them, such as bottle, furniture, toys, or clothes

• Contact with blister fluid (HFMD)

HFMD is common in young children because of frequent diaper changes and potty training. Also, young child often put their hands in their mouths. Some people, especially adults, may not develop any symptoms, but can still spread the viruses to others.


4. 手足口病和疱疹性咽颊炎严重吗?

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4. Is HFMD and Herpangina Serious?

Usually not. Although HFMD and Herpangina are contagious, the illnesses are usually mild conditions and nearly most of the patients recover in 7 to 10 days without medical treatment. Complications are uncommon. The pain sores in the mouth may make child eats and drinks unwell for a few days and it may have the risk of dehydration. Rarely, in a very small number of EV 71 infected HFMD cases (1.1%), the virus may involve the brain and cause the infected person viral meningitis and encephalitis


5. 得了手足口病和疱疹性咽峡炎怎么办?



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  • 冷的食物和液体,比如可以给宝宝吮吸棒冰或冰沙,吃冰激凌,或喝冷的饮料诸如冷牛奶,冰水或果汁。担心宝宝吃冰容易拉肚子的可以采取少量摄入的方法,当宝宝感觉疼痛不适减轻时可以接着给予准备好的常温食物或液体。

  • 比较软的,容易吞咽不需要咀嚼食物,比如布丁,奶冻等,当然在低龄儿童中要注意防止窒息风险;

  • 温盐水漱口;

  • 避免酸性的食物及饮料,比如柑橘类水果,果汁,以及苏打水;

  • 避免咸的,辣的或其他刺激性的食物。




5. How To Treat HFMD and Herpangina?

There is no specific treatment for HFMD or Herpangina. There are viral diseases and antibiotics will not work on them. Symptoms and signs usually clear up in 7 to 10 days. Treatment is aim to ease symptoms and make the person as comfortable as possible until it resolved.


The pain sores in the mouth, fever, and a feeling of being unwell may make child reluctant to eat and drink. Encourage the child drink fluid, even frequent sip of drinks to prevent dehydration. Tips for eating and drinking more tolerable are as follows:

·Have cold food and beverages, for example, suck on ice pops or ice chips, eat ice cream or sherbet, drink milk or ice water.

·Eat soft foods that don't require much chewing, such as pudding and custard. Be aware the choking hazard in younger children.

·Rinse the mouth with warm salt water.

·Avoid acidic foods and beverages, such as citrus fruits, fruit drinks and soda.

·Avoid salty or spicy foods.

Fever reduces and pain killers, such as Tylenol, Panadol, Advil, or Motrin can be used to relieve the pain, fever and general discomfort. However, these medicine should be avoided in children with dehydration until it has been corrected.

In addition, remember to leave the blisters to dry naturally. Do not pierce or squeeze them.


6. 我的孩子得过手足口病和疱疹性咽峡炎了,还会再得吗?

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6. Can My Child Get HFMD and Herpangina More Than Once?

Yes. There are about 20 viral strains that can cause HFMD and Herpangina. Even though a child can develop immunity to the specific virus after infection, that he infected, he will get the disease again if he encounter another strain.





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