这是 达医晓护 的第 1780 篇文章




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  • 洗手:饭前便后要洗手,宝宝和爸爸妈妈都要记住要经常用肥皂和流动的水洗手,每次至少二十秒。特别是大小便或更换尿布前后,准备食物或进食以前,以及外出回家后。

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  • 培养良好的个人卫生习惯:避免用没有洗过的手接触眼睛,鼻子和嘴巴,比如吃手,揉眼睛,抠鼻子等。咳嗽和打喷嚏时要遮住口和鼻子,可以用一次性纸巾或胳膊肘。因为成人也有可能感染手足口病的病毒,而且因为免疫力比儿童强所以往往是无症状的隐性感染者,所以也要注意培养良好的个人卫生习惯,避免成为传染源。另外,要带宝宝在别人咳嗽喷嚏时尽量避开。

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  • 消毒经常接触的物品表面和公共区域,比如餐桌,料理台,玩具,家具和门把手之类:因为宝宝探索世界爱到处摸,一不注意还会放进嘴里尝尝。病毒可以在这些物品上生存数天,所以可以先用肥皂和水,然后用稀释的含氯漂白剂和水擦洗。

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  • 手足口病流行的高峰期尽量避免带宝宝去人流密集,空气流通差的公共场所。 在家里也要注意开窗通风。

  • 隔离确诊的手足口病患者: 避免密切接触2周以上 (比如亲吻拥抱,共用杯具,餐具, 毛巾等)。确诊的手足口病患儿,应该隔离在家2周后并且水疱干结为止才能返校。

  • 不要故意去挤破或戳破水疱:因为疱液具有传染性,而且挤破会有继发感染的风险。


肠道病毒71型疫苗接种 (EV71)

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那么,问题来了,为什么这个疫苗只针对肠道病毒71型呢?为什么不能覆盖所有的引起手足口病的病毒呢!? 因为肠道病毒71型所引起的手足口病是相对最严重的,引起重症手足口病风险最高的类型。统计发现,重症病例中82%和死亡病例中的93%都是这个类型病毒所引起来的。另外,引起手足口病的病毒类型较多,很难在短期内研发出针对每一型病毒的疫苗。



7. Can HFMD and Herpangina Be prevented?

You can reduce the chance of passing on HFMD and Herpangina by practicing good hygiene and teaching your child how to keep away from the virus. In addition, Entervirus 71 HFMD can be prevented from vaccination now.

Prevent the Spread

∙Wash hands: keep in mind to wash the hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds, especially after using the toilet or changing diapers and before preparing food, eating and when back to home.

∙Good hygiene. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. Cover the nose and mouth when cough and sneezing.

∙Disinfect frequently touched surfaces and common areas, such as toys, doorknobs. First with soap and water then with diluted solution of chlorine bleach and water because the virus can live on these objects for days.

∙Separate people who are infected. Avoid close contact (kissing, hugging) . Not to share cups, eating utensils, towels etc for several weeks. Children who get HFMD should stay home from school, kindergarten, child care or play group for 2 weeks and until all the fluid in the blisters has dried.

∙Do not deliberately pierce blisters, as the fluid is infectious.


EV 71 Vaccination

In 2016, a new vaccine, targets enterovirus 71, has been available on the market in China. It is a China developed shots which can effectively prevent enterovirus 71-associated disease as well as hospitalizations of the severe HFMD. However, it should be noted that this vaccine will only help protect against Entervirus 71 HFMD. 




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