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sea and becoming a sailor.

He worked hard to get into nautical school and graduated with honors. Soon after, he got

hired as a shiphand on a foreign steamship named SS Starbucks.

Ever since he boarded SS Starbucks, Yi Zhen had fallen in love with coffee.

SS Starbucks was a steam-powered cargo ship named after the famous coffee chain,

Starbucks. Every morning, the captain of the steamship brewed a pot of coffee and kept it in

the break room for any shiphand and sailor to indulge in for free, and each crew member took

turns refilling and cleaning the pot. Next to it sat a graying photograph of the founder of

Starbucks, Howard Schultz.

Yi Zhen found it strange how their cargo liner had so many allusions to a coffee

company. Perhaps, he wondered, was there some relation between the ship’s captain and

Howard Schultz?

Yi Zhen sought the advice of a friend of his, a fellow shiphand named Thomas. Thomas

had worked onboard SS Starbucks for many years, and told Yi Zhen that his confusion will

soon be cleared as SS Starbucks returns to the United States for restocking and repairs.

SS Starbucks docked at the Port of Seattle and awaited its renewal at the Ballard

Shipyard, while also celebrating its seventy-year anniversary. The celebrations were festive

and lively; friends and relatives of the shipowner and businessmen and managers from the

shipping company gathered onboard the deck of SS Starbucks. Among them, one person in

particular caught Yi Zhen’s eye - a chubby man with graying hair wearing a black suit walked

along the deck, speaking to friends and occasionally looking over the horizon. He looked

exactly like the photograph that was displayed in SS Starbucks’ break room.

His fellow shiphands whispered to Yi Zhen, that it was none other than the founder of

Starbucks, Howard Schultz.

Yi Zhen and Thomas watched as Captain Becher of SS Starbucks warmly welcomed

Schultz into the executive lounge. As they disappeared, Thomas began to explain how Becher

and Schultz knew one another.

During the Second World War, Becher and his family escaped the rise of the Nazi Party

in Germany by sea and travelled to the United States in search for refuge. But after arriving in

the Americas after a long and arduous voyage, both of Becher’s parents fell sick and passed

away, leaving Becher to roam the streets as an orphan.

One morning, a starving Becher fainted in front of a restaurant while looking for scraps

of food that people threw away. When he woke up, he found himself lying down on the sofa

inside the restaurant with a blanket softly covering him and a steaming cup of coffee and

biscuits prepared on the table. The owner of the coffee store stood behind the counter, smiled,

and nodded at Becher, letting him know that the food was for him.

Becher’s eyes filled up with tears. He told his tragic story to the store owner, who

insisted on making an exception to the café’s rules and hiring Becher to work in the shop.

Though Becher was given a new chance at life, his past constantly haunted him, causing

him to worry about his future. Slowly, Becher lost confidence, and became too sullen to

work, to the point of shattering a glass mug and spilling coffee on a customer’s shirt.

But the customer did not scold or berate Becher. Instead, he asked Becher why such a

young boy was working at a restaurant. After listening to Becher’s devastating past, the man

told Becher a different story.

Around forty years ago on Christmas day, when most houses were lit bright with candles

and stocked with all kinds of delicious dishes, one family was left hungry with no gifts or

light within their home. A twelve-year-old boy and his two younger brothers sat in front of

their window, praying for a Christmas miracle.

Their father recently got into a car accident that left him unable to work, and the

family’s only source of income was cut off. He turned to alcohol to drown his sorrows, and

continuously beat his sons, who became nothing but extra mouths to feed. The children’s

mother could not get hired for a job and had no luck in borrowing money from relatives, so

the three kids spent most of their days playing on the streets, away from the ceaseless anger

and emptiness that filled their home.

As the twelve-year-old boy roamed the streets, he noticed the Christmas sales and

discounts that were being advertised in every window display. The boy stopped in front of a

coffee store, set his gaze on the delicately packaged jar of coffee beans that filled its shelves,

and thought of how happy his father would be if he got to taste his beloved coffee again after

many weeks.

When the shopkeeper wasn’t paying attention, the boy sneaked into the coffee store,

grabbed the jar of coffee, slipped between the crowd of people, and bolted out of the front

door and through the streets back home.

He locked his house doors and thought that the shopkeeper had lost him. Quickly, he

opened the jar of coffee and showed it to his father, the heavy smells of the coffee beans

filling the cold air within their home. But before his father could even begin brewing the

beans into coffee, the shopkeeper knocked on the family’s door, and the harsh truth spilled off

of the boy’s reluctant tongue.

His father was instantly enraged and beat him until the clock struck midnight.

The boy cried himself to sleep that night. Not only was his plan to cheer up his father

ultimately a fluke, he also inadvertently ruined his entire family’s Christmas. No matter how

hard he tried, the boy couldn’t forget what had happened that night.

The boy worked hard his whole life to make a better future for his family, and was

eventually accepted to Northern Michigan University. He studied hard in school and worked

part time to make some extra money for his younger brothers. The difficult times that he and

his siblings went through became their driving force in creating a brighter future.

After the boy graduated, he was hired as an ordinary salesman at a large company, and

later climbed his way up until he was promoted to the President.

On the day he got his appointment as President, his father unexpectedly called him and

asked to meet him. But due to his busy schedule with clients and meetings, he told his father

to wait a couple of weeks.

Two days later, his father passed away.

The boy’s spirits sank as he sorted through the belongings his father left.

As he looked through the last box, he noticed a rusty coffee jar hidden beneath old

clothes and dusty books. He dug deep inside and retrieved the old jar. It was the very same

one he had stolen for his father all those years ago!

On the lid of the jar, his father had written in marker, “A Gift from My Son, Christmas

1964”. Slowly, the boy twisted open the jar and looked inside, and found a letter.

“Dear son,

As a father, I have failed to provide you with a loving home and environment. Not a

single day goes by when I don’t regret who I treated you and your brothers. But I, too, had a

dream of my own. I wished to one day own my own coffee shop and grind coffee for you and

your siblings, but I will never be able to achieve that fantasy of mine. I can only hope that

you can have the happiness that I couldn’t, and accomplish whatever you set out to do.”

The boy sat in his attic reading the letter, and felt tears streaming down his face. The

blurred memories of anger and pain cleared into signs of frustration from a father who loved

his children, but was helpless; the struggles they went through together as a family became

motivation for the brothers to succeed. The boy also felt a sense of regret stirring within his

heart. He was too young to understand and help his father when his father was weak and


But he had since grown into a capable and successful man, and also had a deep love for


The boy decided to achieve his father’s dreams for him, and to own the greatest coffee

shop in the world. He quit his job as president, and within two years, the boy had become the

president of Starbucks.

Becher learned that the boy was Howard Schultz, and he was the man sitting right in

front of him on that very day. Becher realized that Schultz had lifted himself out of adversity,

and despite his sufferings, became a man who set out to help others. From then on, Schultz

made sure to visit Becher every once in a while, and Becher was determined to escape the

shadows of his tormented childhood, and become a new man.

Instead of the grey outlook of life he was once, Becher followed the rose-colored final

memories he had of his parents - telling stories and depending on one another while afloat at

sea. After years of countless difficulties, he started his own shipping company and appointed

himself as the president and captain of one of their ships. To honor the man that helped him

get out of the toughest period of his life, Becher named the first ship he ever constructed SS

Starbucks after Schultz’s company.

Listening to the story, Yi Zhen grew insurmountable amounts of respect for both Becher

and Schultz. Everyday onwards, he had a glass of coffee in the break room and sat next to

Schultz’s photograph, admiring the two great men’s resilience.

来源: 中国航海学会