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It was the first time Paul, the Katherine’s head chef, had ever sailed on the equator.

According to the cultural customs of countries near the heated region, sailors who crossed the

equator for the first time had to participate in a Line-Crossing Ceremony.

Usually, the locals of the towns and cities near the equator dressed up as magical

creatures with the Golden Dragon at their center, and marched onto the ship while playing a

ceremonial drum beat. They put the young seafarers under a series of trials, and performed a

welcoming ritual before giving each new sailor a nickname.

This is an old but greatly entertaining tradition for the townspeople who lived on the

islands near the equator.

The new crewmen of the Katherine were initially nervous about their Line-Crossing

Ceremony, but ended up having a lot of fun. When they got to the nickname segment of the

ritual, the Golden Dragon went up to Chef Paul, looked at his burly figure and his beer belly,

and declared, “Wine Barrel!”

Paul, who never really minded his plump body before, suddenly felt insecure. He looked

down at his midsection, and exclaimed, “Wine barrel! My stupid wine barrel!”

But Captain Mickey and his crewmates stood next to Paul, patted him on the shoulder,

laughed, and said, “Wine barrel is a great nickname!”

Captain Mickey was known around the SS Katherine as a friendly, optimistic, and

lighthearted captain who also had an interest in nautical knowledge and books. Before setting

sail for the first time, Captain Mickey converted one of the craft’s storage units into a library,

complete with many novels and encyclopedias about seafaring and maritime history.

“The wine barrel is instrumental to nautical history!” Captain Mickey told Paul,

“Without wine barrels, the ships that we know and love today woul be very different.”

Paul shook his head, knowing that Captain Mickey was only trying to lift his spirits. In

order to prove his word to Paul, Captain Mickey told Paul and his fellow sailors to go to the

ship’s library and look for answers.

Since Paul had not been traveling with the Katherine for very long, it was his first time

in the library. Though the room that the library stood in was small, its contents were vast and

expansive, as if thousands of worlds and histories could fit into one tiny room onboard a ship.

After spending many hours of his free time inside the humble library, Paul finally unearthed

the story of the wine barrel.

Before the development of modern technology, there were only two ways of deciphering

the size and weight of a steamship: the volume of the storage areas and the weight of the

cargo held. In Ancient Egypt, cargo ships mostly transported crops and food contents, so the

volume of grain was mainly used to measure the volume of the ship. Similarly, vessels from

the islands in the Mediterranean frequently carried alcohol, so the barrels of wine the storage

was able to contain were used to measure the ship’s volume and weight. And for nations that

shipped salt, lead, copper, and metals, like Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, the weight of

the metals they brought were even used to calculate taxes.

These techniques were generally efficient. However, they allowed shipowners to think

of ways to transport more cargo at lower costs and to pay lower taxes, which brought a

certain degree of danger to long distance travel. So in order to maintain the safety of

shiphands and crew members, officials announced that a waterline had to be drawn on the

outside of every ship. This way, they could easily tell whether or not a ship was overweight.

But the creation of measuring units for the ship’s weight was actually invented by

English and French wine trading companies, and it was all thanks to wine barrels.

When wine barrels were first created, they were not uniform in size. Barrels of all

shapes and sizes existed until 1416, when their standard volume became 34 cubic feet and

could hold wine weighing a maximum of 2240 pounds. From then on, the shipping capacity

of ships became measured in the number of wine barrels it could withhold without going

under the water line. For example, if a ship could carry 100 barrels of wine, then its weight

was 100 barrels.

Eventually, with wine barrels weighing 2240 as the guideline, barrels became the most

commonly used scale of measurement for ships, but not the only one. Many other European

countries, like Switzerland and Holland, used the amount of cargo a horse wagon could carry

to indicate the capacity of ships.

With the development of nautical navigation and trade, the call for a uniform

international scale became more and more urgent. To search for a clearer method of

measurement, a Venetian shipowner measured the depth and width of his ship, multiplied

them together, and divided it by 6 to calculate the volume of the vessel. Similarly, a carpenter

from England multiplied the depth and width of his craft and divided it by 96. But neither of

them knew if their measurements were accurate.

It wasn’t until 1821 when the English government asserted that the capacity of cargo

ships shouldn’t be measured on the basis of how much cargo was currently in the ship, but by

its internal volume and the total of what it could contain.

This new method involves dividing the length of a cargo ship’s deck into six equal

sections, and then measuring the depth of these equal parts and dividing them into five

different sections. The volume of these sections plus the volume of the parts of the ship both

under and above the deck yielded the total volume of the entire ship.

After the implementation of this method, shipowners found that the total volume of their

vessels were greater than the volume that they calculated before with barrels.

In 1894, the British government attempted to set up another committee to find a new

measuring method for a craft’s volume.

After the committee worked together to brainstorm the perfect way to measure the

capacity of ships, a new technique was suggested by a member of the committee named

George Moorsom.

Moorsom set a number of rules that shipowners needed to adhere to when measuring

ships. For example, the internal volume of each craft had to be divided by 100 cubic feet to

produce a gross register tonnage, and the net register tonnage was the volume remaining after

subtracting the volume of spaces used for machinery and other non-revenue producing


Most European shipowners accepted this method of measurement, and it became

widespread. In 1872, at an international conference in Constantinople, shipowners from all

across the globe endorsed the measurement, and officially named it the Moorsom Method.

At the beginning of the implementation of the Moorsom Method, although all nations

adopted the technique, each issued a different certification of ship capacity, but since the

measurement procedure was consistent, countries quickly accepted each others’ certificates.

The ship-measuring technique that was at first brought forth became official.

In 1969, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) cemented the Moorsom Method

as international law.

In the process of becoming an important measurement law, the wine barrel was often the

punchline of many sailor jokes. But now, Paul and his crewmates recognized the value of his

nickname and saw the seemingly mundane barrels in a new light. The fascinating history of

the ship measurement became a beloved anecdote amongst the sailors on the Katherine.

来源: 中国航海学会