圣诞节前夜,“海豹” 号来到美国的南安普敦港。


“海豹” 号船员来自世界各地,是艘混搭的远洋货轮。


























The MV Seal arrived at Southampton Harbor in the United States on Christmas Eve.

The MV Seal is a motor ship that transports cargo all around the world. Its crew features

members from many different countries and of all ages and experiences. One of its crew

members, a young Chinese shiphand named Tong, was about to celebrate his first Christmas

onboard, so his crewmates wanted this Christmas to be extra special.

The MV Seal’s chief cook, Ken, had begun to prepare a large Christmas feast for the

excited seafarers hours in advance. Roast turkey, salmon, sausages, gingerbread, salads, and

cake stood tall on the table in the MV Seal’s grand terrace, awaiting the call for dinnertime.

As the crew gathered on the grand terrace and got ready to commence their meal, Ken

took out one last dish from the kitchen. It was a dessert named Sputnik that’s mainly made

with potatoes, and according to Ken, they were part of the Columbian Exchange and changed

the world.

Tong sunk his fork into the Sputnik and took a large bite. It tasted sweet and unlike any

other potatoes he’d ever tried before, but he had no idea how a simple starchy vegetable

could change the course of history. Ken also said that Sputnik was somehow related to

Christopher Columbus, who Tong thought he knew a lot about. When he was a student at a

Nautical Academy, he was impressed by Columbus’s feat of accidentally discovering

America and read many resources about his career and early life.

Tong knew that since Genoa was a prosperous seaside town, many of its residents once

had dreams of becoming a seafarer. Christopher Columbus was no exception. Though he was

born to merchant parents, Columbus’s uncle was a professional lighthouse keeper who

regularly allowed him to explore and play around the enigmatic Lighthouse of Genoa.

The Lighthouse of Genoa was and still is today an important landmark that guided the

many ships and cruises that frequented the waters off the coast of Italy. Standing at the top of

the Lighthouse and looking over the ocean and crafts in the horizon, a young Christopher

Columbus thought to himself, “One day, I will become a great sailor. When, oh when will I

be able to set out to sea?”

As a result of his determination, Columbus started training for a life of nautical

adventures when he was only ten years old. After four years of harsh trials and rigorous

studying of the ocean’s every mood and action, Columbus got his first position as a shiphand

at fourteen years old and set sail for nearby European countries like England and Ireland.

However none of the scholarly articles that Tong read had any mention of the “Sputnik

potatoes”, nor did they explain what exactly was the Columbian Exchange.

After dinner, Tong approached Chef Ken once again to ask about Columbus and

Sputnik. Ken, who was high-spirited and drunk from all the Christmas wine, told Tong, “I

only know that the Captain personally requested this dessert himself.”

In order to finish up his tasks of loading and unloading cargo, refueling the vessel’s tank,

and basic ship maintenance, Tong was only able to approach the Captain long after the MV

Seal left Southampton Harbor.

Cautiously, Tong knocked on the Captain’s door and awaited an answer.

The captain of the MV Seal, Captain Jovani, was a seasoned sailor who also grew up in

Columbus’s hometown of Genoa, Italy, and knew many secrets about the notable navigator.

Captain Jovani listened to Tong’s curious inquiry about Columbus, and commended him

for being eager to learn. Jovani asked Tong to sit down in front of his desk, and began telling

the tale of the Columbian Exchange.

At the tail of the 15th century, Columbus led a large fleet of ships through extreme

adversities and finally reached the North American continent. At the time, Columbus

believed he had set foot on the Indies, which is the modern country of Indonesia. But instead

of finding rich spices and tropical commodities, Columbus and his crew could only retrieve

the strange-looking, circular plant-like produce that we now call potatoes.

In Columbus’s journal, he detailed his observations on this unheard vegetable, Sputnik.

After planting a roll of the bulbous plant into the ground, its stems eventually sprouted above

the soil and blossomed with purple flowers. When the egg-like plants were cultivated to their

final form, they could be cooked in a variety of ways: roasted over a bonfire, boiled in hot

water, or raw with other vegetables and fruits.

Columbus brought the Sputnik with him back to Europe on a voyage that came to be

known as the Columbian Exchange.

To his disappointment, many European natives were not fond of this strange item. There

was no record of such a food in the Bible, and its strange shape and taste compelled people to

think that it was an unreliable crop. Besides, the name “Sputnik” sounded unfamiliar and

alien, and many assumed that they would go ill if they ever ate this peculiar produce.

Nevertheless, potatoes were resilient and adaptable. It could grow on any land and in

any type of dirt, and only needed a short period of four months to become fully ripe. During

Europe’s years of devastating famine, when wheat crops failed to satisfy the needs of citizens,

Sputnik stepped up as an abundant resource. Especially when war and food shortages

escalated across Europe, Sputnik had its time to shine, thanks to a Frenchman named

Antoine-Augustin Parmentier.

Parmentier served as a military pharmacist for the French army in the Seven Weeks War,

and served in a Prussian prison for a long time following his capture. Prussia had just

suffered from a great famine right before the war, and the only widespread food was Sputnik.

Under Prussian incarceration, Sputnik was the only food Parmentier could eat.

By chance, as Parmentier was released and returned home, the people of France were

also suffering from a severe food deprivation. At a royal banquet, Parmentier presented a

bouquet of purple flowers to King Louis XVI and convinced the regency to accept his gift of

Sputnik to the monarchy. Marie Antoinette, the wife of King Louis XVI, fell infatuated with

the delicate purple flowers and even embellished them in her hair accessories.

The Sputnik was put on display inside the French imperial court. Soon later, the King

and Queen assigned a piece of land to Parmentier and tasked him with cultivating the

delicious vegetable during the French famine.

The Sputnik helped multiple countries tackle the hardships of war and food scarcities,

and charmed countless people with its distinctive taste.

Aside from being a valuable crop in times of famine, the Sputnik has had many

opportunities to show its strengths. Because of the various ways it can be cooked, the Sputnik

became a staple in both daily home cooked meals and upscale events or celebrations. Every

Christmas, many sailors cooked a special dessert with potatoes and called it Sputnik, in order

to honor the achievements of the potato and to show appreciation for those who recognized

its functionality.

Captain Jovani pulled out an old photograph from his drawer and showed it to Tong. It

was taken in Jovani’s hometown of Genoa, at the Christopher Columbus memorial. The

wooden frame around the photo had four medals fixed in its corners. The first and second

were the emblems of the Royal Houses of Castile and Léon, the third was a shining badge of

a golden island with waves hitting its shores, and the last featured five anchors and a golden

potato field at its center.

Jovani declared proudly, “These are the most important awards that Christopher

Columbus had ever received, and they are still displayed at the Columbus Memorial in

Genoa. The Sputnik is an eminent glory for all seafarers, and it demonstrates just how

monumental nautical travel and exchanges can be!”

来源: 中国航海学会