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designed to travel far distances, both are named after famous lakes in

China, and both set sail at the same time with the same tonnage,

horsepower, and model, making them rare “twin sister” ships.

Coincidentally, both ships also docked at Seattle Harbor at the same

time on one Chinese New Year.

The Poyang’s head chef, Chu, and the Hongze’s head chef Qin were also

close friends who attended culinary school together. The two of them made

delicious meals for the sailors on board their ships, even though their

culinary styles were very different. Hailing from different parts of China,

they highlighted the specialities of their hometowns in their cooking. Chef

Chu was from Huabei, so he was proficient in preparing traditional Anhui

cuisine, while Chef Qin put an emphasis on Jianghui dishes from his

hometown in Jiangsu.

It was uncommon for sister ships to meet abroad while sailing different

voyages, and a chance encounter on Chinese New Year made the occasion all

the more a cause for celebration. The crews of the two ships decided to

spend Chinese New Year together and have a gigantic feast, complete with

ten unique and exquisite dishes.

Putting together a memorable meal for the sailors was an easy task for

the two skilled chefs, but giving their dishes special and festive names

was difficult. The two chefs agreed to prepare ten dishes altogether, and

the name of each dish had to make reference to a number, allowing the

finished meal to be “a perfect ten”.

To live up to the expectations of their crews, Chu and Qin rummaged

through cookbooks, studied the websites and blogs of celebrity chefs, and

finally got ready to prepare a once-in-a-lifetime Chinese New Year feast

for the sailors.

Just before sunset, the entire crews of the twin sister ships gathered

on the Hongze’s Grand Terrace to commence their feast.

To the sound of traditional Chinese celebratory music, Chef Chu entered

the terrace first. He held onto his dish carefully and cried out

enthusiastically, “The First Admiral’s Tofu!”

All the crewmen instantaneously turned their gazes to the dish: glowing

pieces of snow-white tofu were soaked in a thin broth, with assorted

vegetables and pieces of ginger decorating the plate, filling the sea air

with an irresistible aroma. Tofu is full of protein and fiber and could

help lower cholesterol levels in the body, making it a nutritional favorite

for Chinese sailors.

The crewmen couldn’t help themselves and took their first bites before

Chef Chu could even finish talking. As they launched into applause, Chef

Qin walked confidently onto the terrace carrying a plate of glistening

black and white vegetables, and announced, “The Two Sides of Winter!”

As the sailors got ready for their second course, Qin continued, “The

main ingredients of The Two Sides of Winter are mushrooms and asparagus. In

Chinese, these two ingredients are called “winter mushrooms” and “winter

asparagus” respectively, because they are believed to be able to grow in

cold climates. Both are commonly used in Chinese medicine, as they are not

only delicious but are highly nutritious, too. Please enjoy this dish, and

as the saying goes, ‘Good things come in pairs’!”

Qin’s second course, like the one before it, was once again met with

applause. The sailors tried to hold down their excitement as they tasted

the dish and looked forward to the next one.

In the Chinese culture, Chinese New Year, or the Spring Festival, is

the largest festival of the year. No matter where the sailors are in the

world, they always put on an exuberant celebration for the holiday. This

year was no different - as the music got louder and as the men began to

dance, the captain of the Poyang himself appeared from the kitchen and took

out the next course: “This course is named ‘The Romance of Three

Delicacies’! This dish symbolizes peace and prosperity for our hometowns,

families, and our crews!”

The sailors cheered for their next course, which incorporated emerald

pieces of spring onion and soft egg whites, with meatballs and fish laid

out on top.

Chef Chu explained, “The fish was freshly caught and cut into thinly

shaved pieces, and the meatballs are made from locally sourced pork. This

is a crossover between cultures - foreign ingredients arranged according to

a refined Anhui recipe!”

The sailors wolfed down their fourth course, and the chefs’ cooking

was starting to pick up speed. As soon as Chef Chu finished his

description, Qin carried out the next course with a shining grin across his

face: “Four Walls of Happiness! Or, ‘Si Xi Wan Zi’!”

“‘Si Xi Wan Zi’!” The crew repeated, “Our families make this

recipe every single Chinese New Year!”

“Exactly!” Qin replied, “The Four Walls of Happiness refers to

fortune, longevity, wealth, and happiness, and together the four walls

represent reunion and family, like a round and juicy meatball! I used lean

meat for the meatballs and fried them for seven or eight minutes before

steaming them in broth.”

With a familiar dish in sight, the crew became even more exhilarated.

Before they even had time to make a dent in the fourth course, the fifth

was already on its way. Chef Chu held his plate up high and shouted, “The

Fish with Five Tails!”

The fragrance of the fifth course was swiftly compelling for the

soldiers. Chu set down the plate on the table, and though the fish itself

didn’t really have five tails, it was garnished with five spices and

ingredients: garlic, ginger, shredded mushrooms, bamboo shoots, and slices

of ham, scattered near the tail of the fish and creating the illusion of

five fishtails.

“This is a famous dish from Beijing,” Chu introduced, “According to

a folk legend, the colorful pattern at the back of this fish was shaped

like a willow leaf, and the fish was appropriately named ‘the Fish with

Five Tails’. This dish was only served in the imperial court in ancient


The crew poured wine into their glasses and steadily enjoyed their

Chinese New Year feast. They had almost finished all the courses served so

far, but Qin had yet to appear with the next course.

Finally, as the sailors were about to lose hope, the captain of the

Hongze appeared in a chef’s uniform. Holding a large bowl, he said,

“Sorry for the delay!”

Qin followed after him and presented: “The Hexagonal Pancake!”

“Yes - the Hexagonal Pancake!” The captain echoed. He cleared his

throat and carried on, “This is a classic snack from Northwestern China, a

baked hexagonal pancake that takes a lot of focus and precision to get

right. It’s crispy on the outside but soft on the inside, and since six is

a very auspicious number in China, the six sides represent harmony and

smooth voyages. On this special occasion, I, the captain of the Hongze,

would like to wish our brothers on the Poyang a pleasant and harmonious


The crewmen of the Hongze raised their glasses to toast their brothers

from the Poyang. The crews from both ships spread their well wishes to one

another, “Here’s to the prosperity of our hometowns!” some bellowed,

while others cheered, “Here’s to the health and happiness of all our


Though the celebration was well underway, Chef Chu was nowhere to be

seen. Some sailors joked, “Did our seventh course sink under the ocean?”

As the crew speculated, Chef Chu and a helpful sailor lifted a large

pan from the kitchen and hurried to the Grand Terrace. “The Rice of Eight

Treasures is here!”

Suddenly, one crew member stood up and shouted, “This is an essential

dessert for Chinese New Year!”

“Correct!” Chu responded in satisfaction, “The Rice of Eight

Treasures is made with glutinous rice, walnuts, candied fruits, raisins,

dates, green plums, dried roses, and bean paste as its eight ingredients or

‘treasures’, mixed with sugar and oil. This rice is especially sticky and

sweet, but not too dense or heavy.”

The seafarers rushed to scoop some rice into their bowls. To be able to

have such a grand Chinese New Year feast as they floated on the ocean away

from home, made the sailors extremely content and cheerful. Nevertheless,

there was one sailor among them who stared blankly at the rice without

taking a single bite. It was none other than the captain of the Hongze

himself, who was tall and muscular, but suffered from high blood pressure.

He shook his head at the sugary rice, and hoped for something more


The Hongze Captain gazed at the direction of the kitchen and shouted,

“More courses, please!”

“Coming!” Chef Qin said back. “Nine Layered Eggplants!”

The Nine Layered Eggplant was a famous course for health-conscious

sailors and vegetarians. The eggplant was first cut into fine slices, then

stir fried in an iron pan. Qin sprinkled pepper and salt on the sides of

the plate, stacked the eggplant like a tower with nine layers, and drizzled

a sauce made with minced chilli pepper to add some color and taste to the


The Captain of the Hongze’s eyes lit up at once. A smile quickly

returned to his face as he took large bites of the eggplant.

In China, a special TV program is aired every Chinese New Year, and

this year, the crewmen of the Hongze and the Poyang were lucky enough to be

able to watch the special celebration on TV a few thousand miles away from

home. As the countdown to Chinese New Year rang out on television, the

captains of the Hongze and the Poyang walked to the kitchen side by side,

carried out a giant pot, and set it down in the middle of the table. “Ten

Assorted Vegetables!” They presented together.

This dish is also made with famous traditional ingredients: tree

fungus, radish, bamboo shoots, dried tofu, cabbage, shiitake mushrooms,

cauliflower, bean sprouts, peas, and pork shank. The vegetables and meat

are sauteed together, making it a popular choice in many families for

Chinese New Year.

Despite spending an entire night in the kitchen, conjuring up

distinctive meals and composing creative monikers for their dishes, Chef

Chu and Chef Qin didn’t feel tired at all. Instead, they lifted their

glasses and proposed a toast to the seamen: “We hope that the crews of our

twin sister ships have a wonderful Chinese New Year, complete with ten

perfect dishes!”

The two ship crews’ ‘Nautical Chinese New Year Feast’ ended in

cheers and applause.

Ever since that night, whenever anybody asked how Chef Chu and Chef Qin

worked so amicably and effectively with one another, the Captain of the

Hongze always chimed in and said, “These two chefs are so dedicated, that

they didn’t sleep a wink on Chinese New Year just to prepare a special

Nautical New Year’s feast for our crews!”

来源: 中国航海学会